Module make

The main build module that handles complete process of building standalone executable.


__call (proj_paths, entry_script, output_file, rocks_dir, opts) Makes a standalone executable from the Lua project(s).

Local Functions

default_entry_script (rockspec_file) Returns path and name of single CLI script specified in the rockspec.
rockspec_project_dir (rockspec_file) Guesses project's base directory from the rockspec path.
resolve_proj_paths (proj_paths) Resolves project paths from the CLI arguments.
resolve_dependencies (entry_script, extra_modules, excludes, pkg_path) Resolves the entry script's dependencies, logs results and returns lists of modules and objects.


__call (proj_paths, entry_script, output_file, rocks_dir, opts)
Makes a standalone executable from the Lua project(s).


  • proj_paths {string,...}
  • entry_script optional string Path of the main Lua script.
  • output_file optional string Name of the output binary.
  • rocks_dir optional string Directory where to install required modules.
  • opts optional table Options.


if some error occurred.

Local Functions

default_entry_script (rockspec_file)

Returns path and name of single CLI script specified in the rockspec. Or returns nil if:

  1. the rockspec is unreadable,
  2. there's no script defined in build.install.bin,
  3. there's more than one script in build.install.bin.


  • rockspec_file string Path of the rockspec file.


  1. string Path of the script file relative to the project's dir.
  2. string Target name of the script.


  1. nil
  2. string An error message.
rockspec_project_dir (rockspec_file)
Guesses project's base directory from the rockspec path.


  • rockspec_file string Path of the rockspec file.


    string Absolute path of the project's directory.
resolve_proj_paths (proj_paths)
Resolves project paths from the CLI arguments.



    {{string,string},...} A list of pairs: path of the project's base directory, absolute path of the rockspec.


if rockspec is not specified or there is no unambiguous rockspec in the project's directory.
resolve_dependencies (entry_script, extra_modules, excludes, pkg_path)
Resolves the entry script's dependencies, logs results and returns lists of modules and objects.


  • entry_script string Path of the the Lua script.
  • extra_modules optional {string,...} Paths of additional Lua scripts to scan.
  • excludes optional {string,...} Module(s) to exclude from the analysis; one or more glob patterns matching module name in dot notation (e.g. "pl.*").
  • pkg_path optional string The path where to look for modules (see package.searchpath).


  1. {table,...} A list of module entries.
  2. {string,...} A list of paths of the object files (native extensions).


is some error accured.
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