Module merger

Lua modules merger.


merge_modules (modules, debug, write) Combines multiple Lua modules into single chunk using package.preload.

Local Functions

write_wrapped_chunk (write, chunk) Wraps the given chunk in a function.
write_wrapped_chunk_debug (write, chunk, name) Wraps the given chunk using loadstring.


merge_modules (modules, debug, write)
Combines multiple Lua modules into single chunk using package.preload.


  • modules {[string]=string,...} Map of modules name to chunks (source code).
  • debug bool Preserve module names and line numbers?
  • write optional function The writer function. If not give, an intermediate table will be created and the resulting chunk returned as string.


    optional string A Lua chunk of combined modules, or nil if the write function given.

Local Functions

write_wrapped_chunk (write, chunk)
Wraps the given chunk in a function. This method does not preserve file name and line numbers.


  • write
  • chunk
write_wrapped_chunk_debug (write, chunk, name)
Wraps the given chunk using loadstring. This method produces bigger output, but it preserve file name and line numbers for error messages and trackbacks, so it's better for debugging.


  • write
  • chunk
  • name
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